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Showing posts from February, 2021

Valentine's Day video image-download

Valentine's Day video image-download

  Valentine's Day video download This day observed on 14 February is celebrated in different countries in different ways and with different beliefs. In the western countries, this day is on its own glory, but in the eastern countries also, there is a way to celebrate this day.  While in China this day 'Nights of Sevens' is special for hearts in love, in Japan and Korea this festival is known as 'White Day'. Not only this, people in these countries express their love for a full month from this day and express their feelings by giving gifts and flowers to each other. Traditionally in Western countries on this festival, love letters are exchanged with the name 'Valentine's Day' to celebrate this festival, as well as giving gifts of love signs of hearts, cupids, flowers etc. Emotions are also expressed. In the 19th century, America officially declared a holiday on this day.   According to US greeting card estimates, around one billion valentines send cards t